Monday, February 10, 2025

MigrationWiz Toolset Videos

When setting up a third party toolset to perform Microsoft 365 migrations there is always plenty to do. MigrationWiz is no exception however with this series of videos I plan to make it very easy for you to do.

Now that Basic Auth has been deprecated across Microsoft 365 tenants, these migrations now need to use Modern Auth to authenticate and work with the tools. This is actually a very easy thing to setup and use. I take you through exactly how this is to be done. So please pick a migration that you want to learn about about follow along.

In these videos I cover the important aspects around

  • Modern Auth
  • MFA Requirements
  • Service Accounts and Rights
  • Application Impersonation setup
  • Impersonation Rights required on Source and Target

The videos I have put together detail the following types of migrations;

  • Microsoft 365 Tenant to Tenant Mailbox Migration
  • Microsoft 365 OneDrive / SharePoint Migration
  • Microsoft 365 Teams Migrations
  • Google Workspace to Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Exchange On Premises Server to Microsoft 365
  • Navigating the MigrationWiz Console

Please go ahead and pick a video to learn more and as always I invite you to subscribe to the YouTube channel with this link.

Here are all the videos.

Mark – The Cloud Geezer

Migration Wiz – Setup an M365 Mailbox Project with Modern Auth

Migration Wiz – Navigating the Migration Wiz Console

Migration Wiz – Setup a OneDrive/SharePoint Project

Migration Wiz – Setup a Teams Migration in the Migration Wiz Console

Migration Wiz – Setup a Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 Project

Migration Wiz – Setup an On Premises Exchange Mailbox Migration to Microsoft 365

Mark Rochester
Mark Rochester
Mark currently works in the cloud space assisting large companies to migrate from either on premises to the cloud, or cloud to cloud. His experience with Enterprise migrations spans more than 25 years which basically makes him old. However, with all the oldness creeping up he still finds technology massively exciting. Please reach out for a chat anytime you would like. :-)

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